Saturday, February 12, 2011


           Mr. Melvin B. Tolson an outspoken Wiley College professor was the mentor of his young debate students named James Farmer Jr., Hamilton Burgess, Henry Lowe and Samantha Booke who is the first ever female ever to join the Wiley College debate team. Mr. Tolson is  the kind of educator who truly recognizes the remarkable power of knowledge. At first, his students are awkward to each other but later on because they have one goal which is to become a good debater who will fight for the injustice they have seen done by the white American people among the black Americans, they strive hard to fight for it by the help of Mr. Tolson and by the guidance of James Jr.'s father Mr. James Farmer Sr. a renowned scholar and an important presence in the emerging student's life together with his wife Helen Farmer.

     Rising Action:
             There was a party attended by the four young debater students. When James was walking way back to his home, he saw Mr. Tolson and he followed him. He found out that Mr. Tolson was an organizer of the Southern Tenant Farmers Union. James has seen the raving effects of racism all around him and longs to live in a future where no one must be in fear simply because of the color of their skin. Mr. Tolson help him to escape from the authority trying to arrest the member of the Union. It was one o' clock in the morning when James came home and was scolded by his parents.

              The young debate students begin to experience a series of consecutive victories but one of the member of the debating student, Hamilton Burgess decided to quit when they have receive the notice that they will going to debate with the Harvard University as their opponent. On the other hand, the three students are preparing for the incoming debate. They read books and gather several of information that will support to their stand. When they have arrived at Harvard University, they saw the difference of   Black and White Americans and also they felt the excitement and pressure for the incoming debate. The day before they debate, they have received a letter contains that the topic to be argued was changed. They felt the tension on that time. There are some misunderstanding between James Jr. and Henry but because of what had happened, they have the perseverance to continue what they have started. The day they have waiting for has come. Their debate with the Harvard University was being telecast all over the world. Different personalities have witnessed how each young debaters deliver their speech. It was full of emotions especially to the young debate students of Wiley College who undergone different experiences for them to fight their right and to hear their voice through debate. After the argument of each opposing team, the judges came to a decision that Wiley College deserves to win and they are the first debating team who defeat Harvard University.

     Falling Action:
               Most educators may not have recognized the remarkable potential of assembling such disparate team, Tolson's unique vision truly set him apart from the pack as the team experience victories in their  road to challenging Harvard University at the national championships. As the time goes by, they continue their journey through their own chosen career / field but still these kind of experiences they had undergone remains on them and in the minds and hearts of the people.

               The young debating team of Wiley University had shown to the world what they want to impart. The discrimination of the white Americans towards them did not hinder their way to the top, instead, this serves them as their inspiration and strength to pursue what they have started and also to be an instrument for all the black American people to hear their voices and to change the system especially in education that their will be an equality among each people living in this world.

               On their way, when Mr. Tolson and his students was in he car, they saw many people and a man hanging and was burned surrounded by the white American people. They decided to return to their house because Mr. Tolson thinks that it is not safe on that place. When the white American people saw them, they chase them and throw stone to them in which you can see the anger that they felt among the Black American people. 

          Protagonist -                                 James Farmer Jr.
                                                              Samantha Booke
                                                              Henry Lowe

          Antagonist -                                 Sheriff Dozier
                                                              White Americans
                                                              The opposing Debaters

          Round/ Dynamic -                        Sherrif Dozier
                                                              Hamilton Burgess
          Flat/ Static -                                 James farmer Jr.
                                                             Samantha Booke
                                                              Melvin Tolson
                                                              Henry Lowe
                                                              Dr. James Farmer Sr.
                                                              Ruth Tolson
                                                              Helen farmer

          Main/ Principal Characters -         James Farmer Jr.
                                                             Samantha Booke
                                                             Henry Lowe

          Minor/Supporting Characters -    Melvin Tolson
                                                             Dr. James Farmer Sr.
                                                             Helen Farmer
                                                             Ruth Tolson
                                                             Sherrif Dozier
                                                             The Opposing Debaters

               The story was all about the young debating team of Wiley College where in they are being trained by their professor to be a good debaters. They had seen the racial discrimination done by the White Americans among the Black American people. They have witnessed the inequality and injustice done to them. Because of this, they strive hard to have a change and also to uplift their living especially in their educational system. The theme of the story is that there should be an equality among people. Even though they have different color of skin, they have their own right to be attain.

           The story explores the social constructs in Texas during the Great Depression including not only the day-to-day insults and slights African Americans endured, but also lynching. Marshall, Texas, described by James Farmer, Jr. as "the last city to surrender after the Civil War," is home to Wiley College, where, in 1935-36, inspired by the Harlem Renaissance and his clandestine work as a union organizer, Professor Melvin Tolson coaches the debate team to a nearly-undefeated season that sees the first debate between U.S. students from white and Negro colleges and ends with an invitation to face Harvard University's national champions.
             The first person's point of view is that as long as we strive hard and our desire is for the good of our countrymen, we can attain our goals in life. Moreover, there is always a positive outcome if there is a willingness of a person's heart to do such thing and if we aim for the better among people.