Wednesday, January 12, 2011

reaction for karma


    The story explains the present phenomena that there are some people who wanted other people look at them as higher than those of other persons. Some people wanted that all of the attention is with him/her. Just like Sir Mohan Lai in the story, he is too proud of what he have and on what he had attain. He wanted to be recognized by others as an intelligent, educated and a person who is in a high class of society. Another thing that the story wants to convey is the thought of " colonial mentality ", it was being portrayed in the story especially to the main character. Sir Mohan had already adapted how an English man speak, act and even on how they dressed. It is really a fact that most of the people are putting the English people on a pedestal. If we talk, dressed and act like thgem we think that the attention is on with us and we can gain respect to others. We are trying to adapt different culture and tradition that we are not used to but because it is a great feeling the other people on their part they keep on doing and imitating it.
     This kind of situation is really existing in our times now. There is nothing wrong on adapting other country's practices. The thing which is not good is when we are neglecting our fatherland and in the community where we belong. because of this colonial mentality, some people tend to forget where they came from and on giving importance of their nation.
     The story karma implies that in every negative action we did, there is and corresponding consequences and we must expect on that.

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